package com.carrotsearch.hppc;

/*  */

import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.FloatCursor;

A subclass of FloatArrayList adding stack-related utility methods. The top of the stack is at the FloatArrayList.size() - 1 element.
/** * A subclass of {@link FloatArrayList} adding stack-related utility methods. * The top of the stack is at the <code>{@link #size()} - 1</code> element. */
@com.carrotsearch.hppc.Generated( date = "2018-05-21T12:24:05+0200", value = "") public class FloatStack extends FloatArrayList {
New instance with sane defaults.
/** * New instance with sane defaults. */
public FloatStack() { super(); }
New instance with sane defaults.
  • expectedElements – The expected number of elements guaranteed not to cause buffer expansion (inclusive).
/** * New instance with sane defaults. * * @param expectedElements * The expected number of elements guaranteed not to cause buffer * expansion (inclusive). */
public FloatStack(int expectedElements) { super(expectedElements); }
New instance with sane defaults.
  • expectedElements – The expected number of elements guaranteed not to cause buffer expansion (inclusive).
  • resizer – Underlying buffer sizing strategy.
/** * New instance with sane defaults. * * @param expectedElements * The expected number of elements guaranteed not to cause buffer * expansion (inclusive). * @param resizer * Underlying buffer sizing strategy. */
public FloatStack(int expectedElements, ArraySizingStrategy resizer) { super(expectedElements, resizer); }
Create a stack by pushing all elements of another container to it.
/** * Create a stack by pushing all elements of another container to it. */
public FloatStack(FloatContainer container) { super(container); }
Adds one float to the stack.
/** * Adds one float to the stack. */
public void push(float e1) { ensureBufferSpace(1); buffer[elementsCount++] = e1; }
Adds two floats to the stack.
/** * Adds two floats to the stack. */
public void push(float e1, float e2) { ensureBufferSpace(2); buffer[elementsCount++] = e1; buffer[elementsCount++] = e2; }
Adds three floats to the stack.
/** * Adds three floats to the stack. */
public void push(float e1, float e2, float e3) { ensureBufferSpace(3); buffer[elementsCount++] = e1; buffer[elementsCount++] = e2; buffer[elementsCount++] = e3; }
Adds four floats to the stack.
/** * Adds four floats to the stack. */
public void push(float e1, float e2, float e3, float e4) { ensureBufferSpace(4); buffer[elementsCount++] = e1; buffer[elementsCount++] = e2; buffer[elementsCount++] = e3; buffer[elementsCount++] = e4; }
Add a range of array elements to the stack.
/** * Add a range of array elements to the stack. */
public void push(float[] elements, int start, int len) { assert start >= 0 && len >= 0; ensureBufferSpace(len); System.arraycopy(elements, start, buffer, elementsCount, len); elementsCount += len; }
Vararg-signature method for pushing elements at the top of the stack.

This method is handy, but costly if used in tight loops (anonymous array passing)

/** * Vararg-signature method for pushing elements at the top of the stack. * <p> * <b>This method is handy, but costly if used in tight loops (anonymous array * passing)</b> * </p> */
/* */ public final void push(float... elements) { push(elements, 0, elements.length); }
Pushes all elements from another container to the top of the stack.
/** * Pushes all elements from another container to the top of the stack. */
public int pushAll(FloatContainer container) { return addAll(container); }
Pushes all elements from another iterable to the top of the stack.
/** * Pushes all elements from another iterable to the top of the stack. */
public int pushAll(Iterable<? extends FloatCursor> iterable) { return addAll(iterable); }
Discard an arbitrary number of elements from the top of the stack.
/** * Discard an arbitrary number of elements from the top of the stack. */
public void discard(int count) { assert elementsCount >= count; elementsCount -= count; /* */ }
Discard the top element from the stack.
/** * Discard the top element from the stack. */
public void discard() { assert elementsCount > 0; elementsCount--; /* */ }
Remove the top element from the stack and return it.
/** * Remove the top element from the stack and return it. */
public float pop() { assert elementsCount > 0; final float v = buffer[--elementsCount]; /* */ return v; }
Peek at the top element on the stack.
/** * Peek at the top element on the stack. */
public float peek() { assert elementsCount > 0; return buffer[elementsCount - 1]; }
Create a stack by pushing a variable number of arguments to it.
/** * Create a stack by pushing a variable number of arguments to it. */
/* */ public static FloatStack from(float... elements) { final FloatStack stack = new FloatStack(elements.length); stack.push(elements); return stack; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public FloatStack clone() { return (FloatStack) super.clone(); } }