package com.carrotsearch.hppc;

import java.util.ArrayList;

Array resizing proportional to the current buffer size, optionally kept within the given minimum and maximum growth limits. Java's ArrayList uses:
minGrow = 1
maxGrow = Integer.MAX_VALUE (unbounded)
growRatio = 1.5f
/** * Array resizing proportional to the current buffer size, optionally kept * within the given minimum and maximum growth limits. Java's {@link ArrayList} * uses: * * <pre> * minGrow = 1 * maxGrow = Integer.MAX_VALUE (unbounded) * growRatio = 1.5f * </pre> */
public final class BoundedProportionalArraySizingStrategy implements ArraySizingStrategy {
Maximum allocable array length (approximately the largest positive integer decreased by the array's object header).
/** * Maximum allocable array length (approximately the largest positive integer * decreased by the array's object header). */
public static final int MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE - /* aligned array header + slack */32;
Minimum grow count.
/** Minimum grow count. */
public final static int DEFAULT_MIN_GROW_COUNT = 10;
Maximum grow count (unbounded).
/** Maximum grow count (unbounded). */
public final static int DEFAULT_MAX_GROW_COUNT = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH;
Default resize is by half the current buffer's size.
/** Default resize is by half the current buffer's size. */
public final static float DEFAULT_GROW_RATIO = 1.5f;
Minimum number of elements to grow, if limit exceeded.
/** Minimum number of elements to grow, if limit exceeded. */
public final int minGrowCount;
Maximum number of elements to grow, if limit exceeded.
/** Maximum number of elements to grow, if limit exceeded. */
public final int maxGrowCount;
The current buffer length is multiplied by this ratio to get the first estimate for the new size. To double the size of the current buffer, for example, set to 2.
/** * The current buffer length is multiplied by this ratio to get the first * estimate for the new size. To double the size of the current buffer, for * example, set to <code>2</code>. */
public final float growRatio;
Create the default sizing strategy.
/** * Create the default sizing strategy. */
public BoundedProportionalArraySizingStrategy() { this(DEFAULT_MIN_GROW_COUNT, DEFAULT_MAX_GROW_COUNT, DEFAULT_GROW_RATIO); }
Create the sizing strategy with custom policies.
  • minGrow – Minimum number of elements to grow by when expanding.
  • maxGrow – Maximum number of elements to grow by when expanding.
  • ratio – The ratio of expansion compared to the previous buffer size.
/** * Create the sizing strategy with custom policies. * * @param minGrow Minimum number of elements to grow by when expanding. * @param maxGrow Maximum number of elements to grow by when expanding. * @param ratio The ratio of expansion compared to the previous buffer size. */
public BoundedProportionalArraySizingStrategy(int minGrow, int maxGrow, float ratio) { assert minGrow >= 1 : "Min grow must be >= 1."; assert maxGrow >= minGrow : "Max grow must be >= min grow."; assert ratio >= 1f : "Growth ratio must be >= 1 (was " + ratio + ")."; this.minGrowCount = minGrow; this.maxGrowCount = maxGrow; this.growRatio = ratio - 1.0f; }
Grow according to growRatio, minGrowCount and maxGrowCount.
  • currentBufferLength – The current length of the buffer.
  • elementsCount – The number of elements stored in the buffer.
  • expectedAdditions – The number of expected additions to the buffer.
Returns:New buffer size.
/** * Grow according to {@link #growRatio}, {@link #minGrowCount} and * {@link #maxGrowCount}. * * @param currentBufferLength The current length of the buffer. * @param elementsCount The number of elements stored in the buffer. * @param expectedAdditions The number of expected additions to the buffer. * @return New buffer size. */
public int grow(int currentBufferLength, int elementsCount, int expectedAdditions) { long growBy = (long) ((long) currentBufferLength * growRatio); growBy = Math.max(growBy, minGrowCount); growBy = Math.min(growBy, maxGrowCount); long growTo = Math.min(MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH, growBy + currentBufferLength); long newSize = Math.max((long) elementsCount + expectedAdditions, growTo); if (newSize > MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) { throw new BufferAllocationException( "Java array size exceeded (current length: %d, elements: %d, expected additions: %d)", currentBufferLength, elementsCount, expectedAdditions); } return (int) newSize; } }