package com.carrotsearch.hppc;

Bit mixing utilities. The purpose of these methods is to evenly distribute key space over int32 range.
/** * Bit mixing utilities. The purpose of these methods is to evenly distribute key space over int32 * range. */
public final class BitMixer { // Don't bother mixing very small key domains much. public static int mix(byte key) { return key * PHI_C32; } public static int mix(byte key, int seed) { return (key ^ seed) * PHI_C32; } public static int mix(short key) { return mixPhi(key); } public static int mix(short key, int seed) { return mixPhi(key ^ seed); } public static int mix(char key) { return mixPhi(key); } public static int mix(char key, int seed) { return mixPhi(key ^ seed); } // Better mix for larger key domains. public static int mix(int key) { return mix32(key); } public static int mix(int key, int seed) { return mix32(key ^ seed); } public static int mix(float key) { return mix32(Float.floatToIntBits(key)); } public static int mix(float key, int seed) { return mix32(Float.floatToIntBits(key) ^ seed); } public static int mix(double key) { return (int) mix64(Double.doubleToLongBits(key)); } public static int mix(double key, int seed) { return (int) mix64(Double.doubleToLongBits(key) ^ seed); } public static int mix(long key) { return (int) mix64(key); } public static int mix(long key, int seed) { return (int) mix64(key ^ seed); } public static int mix(Object key) { return key == null ? 0 : mix32(key.hashCode()); } public static int mix(Object key, int seed) { return key == null ? 0 : mix32(key.hashCode() ^ seed); }
MH3's plain finalization step.
/** * MH3's plain finalization step. */
public static int mix32(int k) { k = (k ^ (k >>> 16)) * 0x85ebca6b; k = (k ^ (k >>> 13)) * 0xc2b2ae35; return k ^ (k >>> 16); }
Computes David Stafford variant 9 of 64bit mix function (MH3 finalization step, with different shifts and constants). Variant 9 is picked because it contains two 32-bit shifts which could be possibly optimized into better machine code.
See Also:
/** * Computes David Stafford variant 9 of 64bit mix function (MH3 finalization step, * with different shifts and constants). * * Variant 9 is picked because it contains two 32-bit shifts which could be possibly * optimized into better machine code. * * @see "" */
public static long mix64(long z) { z = (z ^ (z >>> 32)) * 0x4cd6944c5cc20b6dL; z = (z ^ (z >>> 29)) * 0xfc12c5b19d3259e9L; return z ^ (z >>> 32); } /* * Golden ratio bit mixers. */ private static final int PHI_C32 = 0x9e3779b9; private static final long PHI_C64 = 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15L; public static int mixPhi(byte k) { final int h = k * PHI_C32; return h ^ (h >>> 16); } public static int mixPhi(char k) { final int h = k * PHI_C32; return h ^ (h >>> 16); } public static int mixPhi(short k) { final int h = k * PHI_C32; return h ^ (h >>> 16); } public static int mixPhi(int k) { final int h = k * PHI_C32; return h ^ (h >>> 16); } public static int mixPhi(float k) { final int h = Float.floatToIntBits(k) * PHI_C32; return h ^ (h >>> 16); } public static int mixPhi(double k) { final long h = Double.doubleToLongBits(k) * PHI_C64; return (int) (h ^ (h >>> 32)); } public static int mixPhi(long k) { final long h = k * PHI_C64; return (int) (h ^ (h >>> 32)); } public static int mixPhi(Object k) { final int h = (k == null ? 0 : k.hashCode() * PHI_C32); return h ^ (h >>> 16); } }