package ch.qos.cal10n.verifier;

import ch.qos.cal10n.util.AnnotationExtractor;
import ch.qos.cal10n.util.CAL10NBundleFinder;
import ch.qos.cal10n.util.MiscUtil;

import static ch.qos.cal10n.verifier.Cal10nError.ErrorType.MISSING_LOCALE_DATA_ANNOTATION;
import static ch.qos.cal10n.verifier.Cal10nError.ErrorType.MISSING_BN_ANNOTATION;

import java.util.*;

Abstract class for verifying that for a given an enum type, the keys match those found in the corresponding resource bundles.

This class contains the bundle verification logic. Logic for extracting locate and key information should be provided by derived classes.

Author:: Ceki Gulcu
/** * Abstract class for verifying that for a given an enum type, the keys match those * found in the corresponding resource bundles. * <p/> * <p>This class contains the bundle verification logic. Logic for extracting locate and key information * should be provided by derived classes.</p> * * @author: Ceki Gulcu * @since 0.8 */
abstract public class AbstractMessageKeyVerifier implements IMessageKeyVerifier { final String enumTypeAsStr; final AnnotationExtractor annotationExtractor; protected AbstractMessageKeyVerifier(String enumTypeAsStr, AnnotationExtractor annotationExtractor) { this.enumTypeAsStr = enumTypeAsStr; this.annotationExtractor = annotationExtractor; } public String getEnumTypeAsStr() { return enumTypeAsStr; } protected String extractCharsetForLocale(Locale locale) { return annotationExtractor.extractCharset(locale); } abstract protected List<String> extractKeysInEnum(); public String[] getLocaleNames() { String[] localeNameArray = annotationExtractor.extractLocaleNames(); return localeNameArray; } public String getBaseName() { String rbName = annotationExtractor.getBaseName(); return rbName; } public List<Cal10nError> verify(Locale locale) { List<Cal10nError> errorList = new ArrayList<Cal10nError>(); String baseName = getBaseName(); if (baseName == null) { errorList.add(new Cal10nError(MISSING_BN_ANNOTATION, "", enumTypeAsStr, locale, "")); return errorList; } String charset = extractCharsetForLocale(locale); CAL10NBundleFinder cal10NResourceCAL10NBundleFinder = getResourceBundleFinder(); ResourceBundle rb = cal10NResourceCAL10NBundleFinder.getBundle(baseName, locale, charset); ErrorFactory errorFactory = new ErrorFactory(enumTypeAsStr, locale, baseName); if (rb == null) { errorList.add(errorFactory.buildError(Cal10nError.ErrorType.FAILED_TO_FIND_RB, "")); return errorList; } Set<String> rbKeySet = buildKeySetFromEnumeration(rb.getKeys()); if (rbKeySet.size() == 0) { errorList.add(errorFactory.buildError(Cal10nError.ErrorType.EMPTY_RB, "")); } if (errorList.size() != 0) { return errorList; } List<String> enumKeys = extractKeysInEnum(); if (enumKeys.size() == 0) { errorList.add(errorFactory.buildError(Cal10nError.ErrorType.EMPTY_ENUM, "")); } for (String enumKey : enumKeys) { if (rbKeySet.contains(enumKey)) { rbKeySet.remove(enumKey); } else { errorList.add(errorFactory.buildError(Cal10nError.ErrorType.ABSENT_IN_RB, enumKey)); } } for (String rbKey : rbKeySet) { errorList.add(errorFactory.buildError(Cal10nError.ErrorType.ABSENT_IN_ENUM, rbKey)); } return errorList; } protected abstract CAL10NBundleFinder getResourceBundleFinder(); public List<String> typeIsolatedVerify(Locale locale) { List<Cal10nError> errorList = verify(locale); List<String> strList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Cal10nError error : errorList) { strList.add(error.toString()); } return strList; } protected Set<String> buildKeySetFromEnumeration(Enumeration<String> e) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String s = e.nextElement(); set.add(s); } return set; }
Verify all declared locales in one step.
/** * Verify all declared locales in one step. */
public List<Cal10nError> verifyAllLocales() { List<Cal10nError> errorList = new ArrayList<Cal10nError>(); String[] localeNameArray = getLocaleNames(); ErrorFactory errorFactory = new ErrorFactory(enumTypeAsStr, null, getBaseName()); if (localeNameArray == null || localeNameArray.length == 0) { errorList.add(errorFactory.buildError(MISSING_LOCALE_DATA_ANNOTATION, "*")); return errorList; } for (String localeName : localeNameArray) { Locale locale = MiscUtil.toLocale(localeName); List<Cal10nError> tmpList = verify(locale); errorList.addAll(tmpList); } return errorList; } }